Top > International Mail > News > 20221208

International Mail

Resumption of acceptance and delivery delays of mail items destined to Brazil etc.

December 8, 2022

Our acceptance of various international mail items has been temporarily suspended due to the novel coronavirus pandemic. Meanwhile, we will resume acceptance of mail items as shown in the table below from December 9.

Previously From December 9
Letter-post Parcels EMS Letter-post Parcels EMS
Air SAL Surface Air SAL Surface Air SAL Surface Air SAL Surface
Brazil X X X X X X X X
Cambodia X - X - X - -
Lao People's Democratic Republic - X X - X X - X - X
Ecuador X - X X - X X - X - X
Costa Rica X - X - X X - - X
United Arab Emirates X X X X X X X

✓: acceptable, X: acceptance suspended, -: No service

For details on the latest status concerning the acceptance of mail items destined to countries and territories worldwide and information about delivery delays of mail items and other, please check here. We continue to temporarily suspend acceptance of mail items destined to various countries and territories because their postal operators are still not accepting inbound postal items and/or our transportation performance remains significantly reduced due to reduction of flights from/to Japan. Items which have already been accepted and cannot be dispatched to their destinations will be returned from the delivery offices to the senders in order.

In addition, because of the global reduction of flights, considerable delivery delays are expected for accepted outbound mail items.

We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience. It would be appreciated if you would kindly understand this situation in advance.


Japan Post Co., Ltd.

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